World Book Day – Here are a few of our favourites!


It’s that time of year when our social media feeds are about to be swamped with children dressing up like Harry Potter and the BFG. And if you’re a parent, you’ve probably been rushing around trying to fashion something original out of an old T shirt and an empty cornflake box!

But, World Book Day (7thMarch) isn’t just about the kids – we should all be celebrating books! It’s a great excuse to see what good reads are out there and hear from others, about what books have inspired them.

Last year, we shared some of our Recommended Reads, so we thought we’d add to the list for 2019!

So here they are…


Thinking Fast and Slow
– Daniel Kahneman

Such a great book for understanding why we do some of the things we do, especially around decision-making. Kahneman explores both our conscious and unconscious thinking.  A must for anyone interested in the inner workings of the human mind!


The Joy of Work
– Bruce Daisley

Easy to read and extremely practical, this books delves into 30 ways you can ‘fix’ your work culture and ‘fall in love with your job again’. Focusing on the small and practical changes, ultimately to help you improve the way you’ll work forever.


Alive at Work
– Daniel M. Cable

As you know, we’re fans of neuroscience at People Lab, and Cable’s book helps us to understand the true reason for unhappiness at work as well as how organisations can activate our ‘seeking systems’ (the part of our brain that craves exploring and learning) to restore our zest for work.


The Business Jet Engine
– Martin Riley

Not actually an employee engagement book, but if you’re in business, then you need to read this. Running a business can sometimes be quite overwhelming, but in this book, Riley helps you to take a step back, look at your business as a whole, connect the major parts and evaluate what action you should be taking.


The Employee Experience Advantage
– Jacob Morgan

Morgan’s book details some helpful case studies and provides a framework to a create great employee experience. It also outlines a way to evaluate the employee experience within your own organisation, using the ‘Employee Experience Score’. You might also be interested in our blog to hear our thoughts on employee engagement vs employee experience.


The Art of Speed-reading People|
– Paul D. Tieger and Barbara Barron-Tieger

This is a great introduction to MBTI personality types. It’ll teach you more about yourself and also how you can communicate more effectively using the MBTI model.


Employee Engagement: A Practical Introduction
– Emma Bridger

Since last year’s list, Emma has released the second edition of her best-selling book. Not only does this help simplify the theory behind employee engagement, but more importantly, it will help you translate this into tangible actions and activities, which will improve and develop engagement in a practical and sustainable way.


Successful Employee Communications
– Sue Dewhurst and Liam FitzPatrick

Although this book isn’t out until June, we just know it’s going to be great.  Sue Dewhurst and Liam FitzPatrick have been inspiring the internal comms world for years, so it’s great to see them teaming up again for this book.  We’ve pre-ordered our copy already!


Download our PDF best books handouts…

2018 Best books for world book day

2019 Best books for world book day


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