Work in employee experience, employee engagement, internal communication, HR or change? If so, we’d love to capture your thoughts on the state of employee experience for our 2024 EX Report!
By participating in this quick survey, you’ll help us gain a deeper understanding of current trends and practices, identify where we’re winning and where we need to focus.
In return you’ll receive an advance copy of The EX Report, enabling you to benchmark your organisation’s practices against industry trends and guide your future activity.
You’ll also have the opportunity to win a 12 month EX Space Pro-level membership plan worth £2,500. It provides all-you-can-eat access to our full suite of EX Masterclasses, Bitesize courses, tools, diagnostics, reports, community and much more. Just leave your details at the end of the survey to be entered into the draw.
Follow the link above to complete the survey. It’ll take you around 10-12 minutes to complete.
Thank you – your input is invaluable to us and the wider EX and employee engagement community.